If it isn’t Fall already, it soon will be. And for those of you who enjoy your gardens like we do at the Hummingbird Inn, a Lexington VA area bed and breakfast, Fall means one thing….BULBS!
Recognize this? Its a Fall gardener’s best friend for creating color in Spring.
So we got to thinking. What if we invited our guests to join us in planting bulbs this Fall.
After much thought, we thought it would be fun to…..
Have our guests bring a bag of bulbs. or maybe 2. We got some cool coupons from the The Home Depot Garden Club.
Then they could help plant them, and we would mark the area they planted so that when Spring came, they could return and see the color they created!
So, here is what we came up with..
Make your reservation for any weekday in September, October or weekday/weekend in November …..bring along your bulbs and your favorite gardening outfit and tools…and lets do some planting! Your stay at the Hummingbird Inn will be at the reduced rate of $125 per night….and make your return reservation for Spring before you leave, and we will keep the rate of $125 per night for your stay in 2011!
So, lets hear from the gardeners among you! The grounds at the Hummingbird Inn are looking forward to your visit! (Don’t delay, as planting space is not unlimited).