It all started in the Alleghany Bath. And came full circle when we completed the Alleghany Room Rejuvenation. And just in time too. We start the Franklin Room Tub Replacement next week.
Like the other rooms we have been working on this Winter, the Alleghany Room was, in a word, kinda old.
Ok, that two words. But you get the gist.
After the Robinson and the Teter-Wood, we were all getting pretty good at this updating stuff.
First, something to cover up the wallpaper.
The room looks bigger instantly!
Then a spirited discussion about color. Finally decided on a brown tone. Of course, once on the walls it looked grey!
New fixtures.
Even some nice words above the bed.
And voila.
The Alleghany Room Rejuvenation is complete, both bedroom and bath.
We look forward to sharing it with you!